Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hey If anybody is checking this out your probably the one of the first to in the universe. I just put out a video about all my other internet places save the ones that I don't update anymore. Oh and I forgot my Stickam is davidhok2. For some reason they wont let me log onto davidhok at stickam, which is a pain because just before I got locked out of it I subscribed to a bunch of Stickam users page which means when they go live I get a text message. I cant do any thing about it. Ive emailed them and now I get so many text messages that I want to unsubscribe from certain people who go on all the time so my phone bill wont take me under. I was just perusing my davidhok stickam, looking through my friends list. lol the last time I logged in was December 12th. If Stickam was addicting then I'm going through withdrawal. Oh well. Any way if you wanna friend me on Stickam click this word, friendmeonstickam. Will have my 5 facts animation done soon! So check it out if ya wanna!


Unknown said...

As promised, I dig your blog, yo!

Davidhok said...

Ha Thanks for diggin it :)

Flash Animations and stuff